Autism Awareness Social Media Campaign

Sharing autism facts and news online for our followers on Twitter, the GFWC Grundy Woman’s Club will once again be posting all month long during Autism Awareness Month.

Child lines up race cars rather than participating in traditional play – one of the early signs of autism.
One of the early signs of autism is a lack of interest in traditional play. In this case, the child lines up or sorts his race cars rather than moving them across the floor and saying, “Vroom!” This is just one of the many signs to be shared via the GFWC Grundy Woman’s Club Social Media Autism Campaign to be shared via Twitter.

Last year, the club took a brief break from social media campaigns as we hosted a health expo for the special needs community in April. But our clubwomen are back to work this April, advocating for its autism community and sharing information, news, and tools that we hope will help.

Over the past year, we’ve done some amazing things to provide access to services and programs that will enrich the lives of our children and adults with autism. In addition to our Au-some Summer Swim Project, hosted in coordination with the YMCA of Buchanan County, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to provide monthly sensory friendly movie screenings at the Grundy Community Center. And the action group our efforts helped form met and pushed for the hiring of a countywide advocate in the Buchanan County Public School System, which was approved by both the BCPS and the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors late last year.

Additionally, the club annually decorates downtown Grundy with blue puzzle pieces and encourages its members to ‘Light It Up Blue’ and wear blue on World Autism Day (April 2, 2019).

Big things are happening and we take pride in being a part of that change.

Twitter users can follow us here. Be sure to ‘Favorite’ and ‘Retweet’ our posts to do your part!

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